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Dr. Emerson Guest

Principal Power Systems Engineer

Emerson maintains a wealth of renewable energy power systems experience through his work in switchyard and substation design, technology  development for grid-connected converters, PSS/E and PSCAD model development for renewable generators, and grid compliance studies for renewable energy power plants.


After completing an Electrical Engineering degree in Newcastle, NSW in 2010, Emerson's focus on renewable energy narrowed in 2013 with commencement at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU); an epicentre for the development of converter-based renewable energy sources and the birthplace of commercialised wind power. Emerson has since completed a PhD with Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy and solved a multitude of complex grid issues, from forensic analysis of real world stability issues, to assisting developers and system operators achieve grid connection world-wide.


Thesis Papers:

Identification of Coupled Climate Patterns, 2010 - Newcastle University


Advanced Static VAr Compensation for Non-ideal Supply and Load Conditions, 2014 - Technical University of Denmark (Kongens Lyngby, Denmark)

Active Filter Solutions for Reducing Harmonic Emissions by Wind Power Plants, 2019 - Technical University of Denmark (Kongens Lyngby, Denmark)


Recent Publications

E. Guest, et. al., “Mitigation of Harmonic Voltage Amplification in Offshore Wind Power Plants by Wind Turbines with Embedded Active Filters,” IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy, April, 2020.


E. Guest, N. Mijatovic, “Discrete-Time Complex Bandpass Filters for Three-Phase Converter Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, June, 2019.


E. Guest, et. al., “Sequence Domain Harmonic Modeling of Type-IV Wind Turbines,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, June, 2018.



Lecturer, Technical University of Denmark BSc Electrophysics and Analogue Electronics (2014)


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